“Quyi Art Supporting Rural Revitalization” Project stages maiden show in Lucheng District

时间:2023-07-21 15:43:26 来源 : DiscoverWenzhou 作者 : ZhongXin

On the evening of July 2, the activity“Sending Laughter to Rural Areas” took place at the original site of the Jiushan Association of Dramatists in Lu Cheng District, which highlights the project of“Quyi Art (a kind of folk art, including all kinds of talking and singing arts) Supporting Rural Revitalization(QASRR)” and“Art Village Construction”.

Kids perform Wenzhou Guci Hymn. Photograph provided by Wenzhou·China

Many famous young Quyi artists, such as Wang Rugang, Li Jindou, Li Weijian, Gao Bowen, and Dong Qifeng showcased their talents on the stage. They presented various forms of talking and singing, including A Word for You, Always Keep Smiling, The Legend of the White Snake, Love, Wen Tianxiang Mooring at the Heart of the River and White Deer City, which created a rich and diverse Quyi art feast and brought laughters to a scorching summer day.

The activity was a start of the project QASRR, which lasted for three days from July 1st to 3rd. Initiated by China Quyi Artists Association, it was aimed to immerse Quyi artists in rural areas to gather inspiration for their creation and make a full play of Quyi arts in cultivating rural culture, so as to enrich the cultural life of rural people, and inspire them to pursue the upright, the good and the beautiful. It also wished to encourage Quyi artists to create high-quality works that reflect practical experiences, particularly in rural revitalization and the new life of rural people in the new era.

On the afternoon of July 1, Gao Bowen, head of Shanghai Pingtan Troupe, gave a lecture on Quyi Item Creation and Performance at the Home of Culture and Art in Lucheng District. On the next morning, Gao and other Quyi artists visited Shanfu Town, a hometown of overseas Chinese, and visited local enterprises. During their visit, they attended an exchange meeting on the project QASRR and agreement signing ceremony. At the signing ceremony, the China Quyi Artists Association awarded certificates to the most outstanding rural Quyi art talents, and meanwhile the Quyi Magazine and Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Lucheng District signed a framework agreement for the project QASRR.

The series of activity were hosted by the China Quyi Artists Association and Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and co-organized by the Quyi Magazine, Zhejiang Provincial Quyi Artists Association, the Publicity Department of the CPC Wenzhou Municipal Committee, Wenzhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Lu Cheng District People’s Government. Next, the Quyi artists will visit the historical and cultural blocks in Lucheng District and visit the Huagai Guci House to experience the popularity of Quyi art that has been deeply rooted in the local communities. (ZhongXin)