万象泰顺 声声不息——2023“讲好中国故事”创意传播国际大赛温州分站赛作品展播

时间:2023-12-29 15:25:45 来源 : 中国网温州 作者 : 中欣

作品简介:泰顺城市形象宣传片《万象泰顺 声声不息》以“声音”为主线,通过“顺美自然”“顺生万物”“顺势而为”三大篇章,从生态环境、非物质文化遗产、现代产业等多角度生动展现出泰顺这颗浙南高山上的璀璨明珠独有的唯美景色与城市魅力。 

The promotional video for the image of Taishun City,"The Sound of Taishun in All Things", takes"sound" as the main theme, and vividly showcases the unique beautiful scenery and urban charm of Taishun, a shining pearl on the high mountains of southern Zhejiang, from multiple perspectives such as ecological environment, intangible cultural heritage, and modern industry, through three major chapters of"following the beauty of nature","following the birth of all things", and"following the trend". 
